The Multiverse

Published on by Catherine Toulsaly

Ah, give me pure mind, pure thought! Let me not be in haste to detect the universal law; let me see more clearly a particular instance of it!

Henry David Thoreau

The bee balms of the past are gone. Delicate and unpredictable, they retreated into the shadows. Will they flourish in the coming years? Three have emerged this summer.

The bee balms of the past are gone. Delicate and unpredictable, they retreated into the shadows. Will they flourish in the coming years? Three have emerged this summer.

Expectations are the mind’s determination of what is possible. As if they were passing comets, fleeting and transient, ideas pierce through the thick coat tagged Not Knowing. Clarity is imprisoned, clouded by layers of emotions. The mind pushes the bars of its prison, unaware of how much it wants to free itself. The discussion circles back around the spatiotemporal frontiers of the Universe, whether the four-dimensional features are all that there is, and how far the boundaries of the ontological realm extend

The Universe is a vast mosaic of local matters of particular fact. Spacetime continuum in which entities are inherently alone in their inner process defines a collection of local matters drawn in spatiotemporal patterns with invisible lines and spiraling wells. Entities, such as those with a repeatedly identifiable nature, enjoy bits of feeling. Feeling, I recall, is the appropriation of elements to be components in the internal constitution of an actual subject. In isolation from all the conditions under which they exist, each local matter cannot be fully comprehended. Knowledge, Meaning, and Existence are intertwined. As boundaries shift deeper into the realm of possibles, they uncover a codified language, a celestial writing about events pertaining to the Dialogue between Consciousness and the Universe.  

The Multiverse

All things, including the Universe, convey an incomplete meaning in and by themselves. The holistic nature of meaning entails a necessary connexion of content. Within its boundaries, the Universe is an organism showing peculiar facts based on spatiotemporal location, with its faintest and most distant galaxies bursting with star formation far away from the quiet Milky Way. Beyond its borders, even it may not be solitary but a tessera in a mosaic of universes — a member of a species.

From the surface of a page to the surface of a painting, poets and painters describe what rises from beneath the surface of things. Philosophers identify it as the realm of potentiae. Below the tip of the spacetime iceberg are possibilities waiting to exhale at the stroke of spontaneous symmetry breaking. They are measured by their corresponding probabilities. What it means to exist within the realm of possibles is tantamount to what we call the Multiverse that ultimately predicts the infinity of adjacent possibilities. From our side of the Boundary,we see it as the realm of uncertainty where unactualized possibilities are stranded. 

As for the Universe, the freedom of its acting Being is held hostage by all the things that reside in it. It is a permanent mismatch of ephemeral states — whether they are milliseconds or billions of years. Sequences of elements graft themselves to its stratified layers, allowing stability levels to form irregular steps. Periods of equilibrium punctuate such imbalance, giving a false sense of knowing while hidden gestation occurs in the shadows. The holistic nature of meaning follows a beat hidden in the course of time. 

No belief is an island; to understand it entails being able to use its concepts in other contexts, to make other related judgements: it involves mastery of a web or system.

Simon Blackburn

The Multiverse

Those elements whose identification precedes any appropriation have an independent existence of their own. But from what, though, has the Universe appropriated to itself the course of its uncharted destiny as it reveals itself by expressing itself and knows itself through every bit of experience? From what has it inherited its internal logic? There are ways to look at the rules of the game. From our point of view, the Universe is governed by laws that match its content, and through its content, it sets the corresponding laws. 


In the timeline set by the Sun, we caught a glimpse of longer cycles. Changes unfold while structures expand, shrink, and crumble. Open splits let entities, events, and selves seep through. As we look through the anthropic lens at the entire biosphere, no single event or entity is isolated from the Universe. We peek at chance rising unceasingly among the flows and anti-flows, through the magnetic and gravitational fields, between the expansive and cohesive forces. 

The biosphere has built a nest in the midst of the Earth’s magnetic field in constant fluctuation. Does the model upon which evolution proceeds in short bursts of change separated by long periods of stasis apply to the life of galaxies whose periods of rapid formation were interspersed with quiet periods in the far past when fewer stars formed? Do humans, individually or as a species, experience prolonged stasis until they leap forward?


The Multiverse

To an idealist, there is a deep connectedness. Nothingness and the Quantum Universe give rise to chance that is all at once Freedom, Essence, and Existence. It is a threshold between many Universes — an interuniversal medium. It is a process aimed at creating multiple outcomes, beyond which the macroscopic features of our Universe do mean something to the underlying quantum setting from which they emerge. 

The quantum Universe assigns probabilities to the definite values of the observables of every system. It brings us to what means probability: something which acts on the outside according to its laws, which are supposed to govern facts that do not follow laws with laws that are not. The peaks of probability density mark the point at which systems structure themselves to rise above the surface.



 What is always in a state of becoming refers to the time notion in which quantum systems evolve — a spatiotemporal non-locality at which all circumstances originate. One thing after another, evolution adds complexity and substance to the ontological realm. Chance from which events arise is the extensional criterion. Within and beyond our Universe’s frontiers, the overarching principle remains: determinism, which underlies the evolution at the structural level, does not negate a profound indeterminism due to the contingency. 

And so, we question whether what lies dormant at the center of it all is ontic or nomological. The Multiverse’s wave function describes the position of every particle in the Multiverse. The observable quantum Universe that defines our frog’s perspective is no more than a tiny section of the Multiverse’s wave function which may well be both a nomological and ontic representation of an effective field generated by the motion of particles. In the field of Nothingness and the Quantum Universe, the wave function acts as a law for particles that are yet to exist for such a law to govern. The collapse of the wave function sets the actualization in the Multiverse. 


While the bird’s eye catches the exchange of mass and energy in our Universe’s inflows and outflows, the frog sees a quantum transactional exchange at the edge of the unseen where initial conditions meet multiple possibilities conducive to their existence, after which possibilities and actual events part ways. The increasing distance in all directions creates the conditions under which sub-systems form in a non-equilibrium state from which time rises again.

The holistic nature of meaning arises from the morphology of time, for multidimensional boundaries are fluid. Along the morphological roads, the idea of multiplicity emerges, overcoming the duality between what is and what is not. The mind, may it be called Consciousness, digs holes at the bottom of a higher dimensional pit in which lives on the extension of ourselves. Existence arises from crossing the Boundary and the path of others, emitting flickering signs of consciousness. 


The Multiverse

Entities go one way as if entering through revolving doors but still reflect a behavioral symmetry.  As they cross the threshold into their own time and space — from which they inherit their haecceity — they hold onto the inner presence of mirror selves. To an idealist, the concept of transcendence implies that more degrees of freedom are projected on every side of the Boundary. 

A small, 'quantized' wavelike excitation of the quantum field is a dice thrown on the board of the infinite game. It is the tree of Blackburn’s island as we wonder whether there is even an island on which the tree falls. Once a system structures itself,  chance presides over entities and their identities. The rules of the game in the Multiverse might explain why there is an apparent pairing problem when it comes to explaining why certain pairings happen but not others, why some particles or fields don’t interact with each other as if those non-events were relegated to the shadows. 

The entities of the Multiverse are packed into groups accordingly, falling under categories upon categories of denominations. Whether the crisscrossed lines of existence are outside our line of sight, the dice are thrown unceasingly. Chance and fate, cyclicity and randomnicity take turns. On these shores of the infinite game, recurrences alternate with thresholds to higher dimensional universes. Lines of existence see their ends fading, smothered with a thickening coat of complex multidimensionality, allowing only the nowness to occur actually.


The Multiverse

Simon Blackburn, Spreading the word : groundings in the philosophy of language

Jean Chalinea, Laurent Nottale, Pierre Grou: L’arbre de la vie a-t-il une structure fractale ? (Is the evolutionary tree a fractal structure?)

Jose Diez Faixat, Beyond Darwin: the Hidden rhythm of evolution

Bruno De Finetti. “Probabilité: Attention aux falsifications!”Texte de La « Conférence d’adieu » donnée à l’Instituto Mathematica G. Castelnuovo, le 29 Novembre 1976.” Revue d’économie politique, vol. 91, no. 2, 1981, pp. 129–62. JSTOR

Harold Jeffreys, Theory Of Probability

Harold H. Joachim, The nature of truth : an essay

Ruth Kastner, Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles

David Lewis. Philosophical Papers, Volume II. New York, US: Oxford University Press.

Lombardi, O.; Fortin, S.; Pasqualini, M. Possibility and Time in Quantum Mechanics. Entropy 2022, 24, 249.

Quine, W. V. (1948). On What There Is. The Review of Metaphysics, 2(5), 21–38.

Simon Saunders, Space-time and Probability

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. La place de l’homme dans la nature. Le groupe zoologique humain.

Edmond Wright. “The Entity Fallacy in Epistemology.” Philosophy, vol. 67, no. 259, 1992, pp. 33–50. JSTOR

The Multiverse

O remember
In your narrowing dark hours
That more things move
Than blood in the heart.

Louise Bogan, Night

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